
3311 Roosevelt Road

Kenosha, Wisconsin 53142 USA


30 N Michigan Ave, Suite 822

Chicago, IL 60602 US


Airway Orthodontics

Orthodontic Airways In Chicago, IL & Kenosha, WI

The reason most people consider braces either for themselves or for their children is often to improve the appearance and aesthetics of their smiles; however, orthodontic treatment can also provide a wide range of health benefits for yourself or your child that goes beyond just a beautiful set of teeth.

Crooked teeth and malocclusions (e.g. overbites; underbites) can sometimes affect your ability to breathe properly, resulting in mouth breathing, obstructive sleep apnea, shallow breathing and even chronic sinus infections. Fortunately, airways orthodontics seeks to correct smiles to improve your ability to breathe, which in turn benefits your overall health.

What is airway orthodontics?

Airway Orthodontics is an approach to help alleviate breathing troubles as a result of common malocclusions or “bad bites”. Orthodontic treatment may come in the form of traditional bracket-and-wire braces or other options depending on your age, lifestyle and problems you want to treat with braces.

What are the benefits of airway orthodontics?

One of the main benefits of getting airway orthodontics is improving you or your child’s quality of sleep each night. If you’ve been told that you have obstructive sleep apnea then it may be worth talking with our dental team to find out if orthodontic treatment to correct your misaligned smile could actually provide you with the relief you need from obstructed breathing.

If you are considering getting braces for your child sometimes early treatment can promote healthy facial development. Furthermore, airway orthodontics could also reduce you or your child’s risk for needing jaw surgery later on.

If you are interested in learning more about airway orthodontics in Chicago, 

call Loop Dental Care today at (312) 263-6793 to schedule a free consultation.

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Loop Dental Care, LLC








9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


10:00 am-4:00 pm

