
3311 Roosevelt Road

Kenosha, Wisconsin 53142 USA


30 N Michigan Ave, Suite 822

Chicago, IL 60602 US


Gum Rejuvenation

Gum Recession and Rejuvenation: Everything You Need to Know

Receding gums? Receding gums is a condition in which the roots of the teeth become exposed, leading to a greater risk of decay and the eventual loss of teeth. Dr. Felicia Mata is one of the Chicago Loop's finest dentists. We offer state-of-the-art treatments for gum rejuvenation. We can fix your receding gums and improve your oral health. Here's everything you've ever wanted to know about gum recession.  

What is Gum Recession?

Gum recession is the process in which the margin of the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth pulls back, or wears away, exposing more of the teeth. When gum recession occurs, gaps form between the gum line and teeth, making it easy for bacteria to build up. Gum recession is a serious oral health condition that can lead to tooth loss if left untreated. The good news is that gum recession often can be treated successfully.

Why Do Gums Recede?

Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is a bacterial gum infection that can destroy gum tissue and supporting bone that hold your teeth in place. Periodontal disease is the main cause of gum recession. If you brush your teeth too hard or the wrong way, it can also cause your gums to recede. Fluctuations in female hormone levels during a woman's lifetime, such as in pregnancy, puberty and menopause, can also make gums more vulnerable to gum recession. 

How is Gum Recession Treated?

Gums can recover from mild gum recession with the help of a professional dental deep cleaning. A dental deep cleaning will remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and help your gums regain health. In some cases, a gum tissue graft may be needed to treat gum recession. A gingival graft is a surgical procedure that involves removing a small layer of tissue from the roof of the patient's mouth and then relocating it to the site of gum recession. Gum grafting treatment for receding gums will enlarge the gums and prevent any further loss of gum tissue.

Don't take risks with your health. Gum recession can lead to major issues if it is not treated in a timely manner. If you want a healthy, beautiful smile, call Loop Dental Care, LLC at (312) 263-6793 to schedule an appointment in Chicago, IL. Get your life back on track by receiving the best gum rejuvenation treatment available.

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Loop Dental Care, LLC








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10:00 am-4:00 pm

