
It has long been known that good nutrition and a well-balanced diet is one of the best defenses for your oral health. Providing your body with the right amounts of vitamins and minerals helps your teeth and gums-as well as your immune system-stay strong and ward off infection, decay and disease.

Harmful acids and bacteria in your mouth are left behind from eating foods high in sugar and carbohydrates. These include:

- Carbonated beverage
- Some kinds of fruit juices
- Several kinds of starch foods like pasta, bread and cereal.

Children's Nutrition and Teeth

- Good eating habits that begin in early childhood can go a long way to ensuring a lifetime
of good oral health.

- Children should eat foods rich in calcium and other kinds of minerals, as well as a healthy
balance of the essential food groups like vegetables, fruits, dairy products, poultry and meat.

- Fluoride supplements may be helpful if you live in a community without fluoridated
water, but consult with our office first. (Be aware that sugars are even found in some
kinds of condiments, as well as fruits and even milk.)

- Junk food (starches and sugars) , allowing your children to eat excessive amounts of
junk food including potato chips, cookies, crackers, soda, even artificial fruit rollups and
granola bars-only places them at risk for serious oral health problems, including obesity,
osteoporosis and diabetes.

- The carbonation found in soda , for example, can actually erode tooth enamel. Encourage
your child to use a straw when drinking soda; this will help keep at least some of the
carbonated beverage away from the teeth.

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