Don't Ignore These Signs Of Gum Disease

It’s important for everyone to recognize the warning signs of periodontal disease. 

Gum disease happens when there is an infection within the gum tissue. As with most infections, they require treatment from a medical professional in order to get better. If gum disease isn’t properly treated it can lead to tooth loss and bone damage. This is why it’s important that you visit our Lynchburg, VA, dentist, Dr. Robert Bunn, every six months for comprehensive checkups, where we can catch those early signs of gum disease that you may not even notice.

Of course, it’s also important to recognize when you may have an infection within your gums. Since gum disease is progressive you may not notice changes right away. However, as the infection gets worse you may start to notice,

  • Bleeding gums, usually when you are brushing and flossing. If you haven’t been flossing regularly and you suddenly start flossing again it is normal for there to be a bit of blood as your gums get used to flossing; however, if this problem persists for a few days then it’s time to call our Lynchburg, VA, family dentist.
  • Swollen gums are also a sign that bacteria are present. If you aren’t brushing and flossing properly you can leave plaque behind, which will harden into tartar. If you notice swollen or puffy gums, it’s important that you really focusing on proper brushing and flossing technique and that you rinse with a therapeutic mouthwash designed for those with gingivitis. If the swelling doesn’t go down then you’ll need to schedule an appointment.
  • Red, inflamed gums are another sign that something just isn’t right. Healthy gums are firm and pink. If gums look red and angry then this is something worth looking into. While there are other reasons your gums may be inflamed (e.g. a piece of food stuck under the gum line), gum disease is a common culprit.

As gum disease gets worse the symptoms will also get worse too. You may begin to notice,

  • Persistent bad breath
  • Changes in the way your teeth or dentures fit together
  • Receding or shrinking gums (gums that pull away from the teeth)
  • Large gaps between the teeth and the gums
  • An abscess (a pimple-like bump that is also a sign of infection)
  • Loose teeth (and eventual tooth loss)

Dental-Doctors of Lynchburg in Virginia provides comprehensive preventive, cosmetic and restorative dentistry to patients living in and around Lynchburg, VA. If you are looking for a dentist who can do everything from treating your gum disease to provide routine checkups, then call our office today at (434) 385-7718.

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