Do You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Wisdom teeth are the molars that erupt last in the back corners of the mouth. When there is little or no space in the mouth for the wisdom teeth to come out, it is known as impaction. Other problems include decay or infection associated with the wisdom teeth. In such cases, patients may experience redness in the gums, pain, and swelling depending on the severity, requiring its removal. Many are anxious when they hear about teeth extraction.

Dr. Robert Bunn from Dental-doctors of Lynchburg provides wisdom teeth removal using nitrous oxide (Sedation Dentistry) in Lynchburg, VA. It can help you feel comfortable during long dental treatments.

Nitrous oxide in Lynchburg, VA

Nitrous oxide is also known as laughing gas. Nitrous oxide in combination with oxygen can be used for various dental procedures including wisdom teeth removal. In combination with a local anesthetic, it can manage pain and anxiety seen in patients during dental treatments. Your sedation dentist in Lynchburg, VA, says nitrous oxide can also be used in patients who are not very cooperative during wisdom teeth removal.

The wisdom teeth usually erupt between 17-21 years. When infected, pain from the wisdom teeth is felt in the back of the mouth which can extend to the jaws, neck, and head. Removing wisdom teeth does not affect your bite or oral health unless many of your molars are missing. If you have discomfort due to wisdom teeth do not hesitate to see your dentist. The dentist will evaluate your dental and medical history to find out if you are a good candidate for sedation dentistry.

Don't let the fear of being at the dentist's office keep you from seeking the treatment you require for your wisdom teeth. For wisdom teeth removal using nitrous oxide in Lynchburg, VA, schedule an appointment with Dr. Robert Bunn from Dental-doctors of Lynchburg by calling us at (434) 385-7718.

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