The Benefits Of Same Day Crowns

Find out how you could get dental crowns in just one day.

If you are dealing with a damaged tooth, you’re likely to need a dental crown. dental crowns typically take several weeks and more than one appointment with your dentist to install. You can now get the same amazing, durable, and lifelike dental crowns in just a single dental visit! Thanks to CEREC technology, your dentist, Dr. Robert Bunn, can help restore your smile with same-day crowns in Lynchburg, VA.

Say Goodbye to Temporary Crowns

If you’ve ever had to get a dental crown before then you know that while your permanent crown is being made, your tooth will need a temporary crown. The drawback with temporary crowns is that, well…they’re temporary, which means that they only offer a one-size-fits-all approach. They certainly aren’t as comfortable and can look a little out of place from the rest of your smile. Fortunately for you, if you choose to get same-day crowns from our Lynchburg, VA, dental team instead, you can leave with your permanent crown in just one visit.

Mess-Free Digital Impressions 

Anyone who has had impressions taken of their mouth knows that traditional impressions that use putty are a little messy. Fortunately, thanks to CEREC’s incredibly advanced technology, we can easily snap digital photos of your tooth in a matter of minutes. Not only is this process faster but it’s also more comfortable. Plus, these images will immediately upload to the computer so we can get to work creating your crown. It’s that simple!

A Highly Durable Crown is Made While You Wait 

One of the other benefits of same-day crowns is that you can typically get your new crown designed, fabricated, and placed in about a 1.5-2 hour visit. This is far faster and easier than traditional crowns, which require 2-3 visits to our office. We know your time is valuable, which is why we are so thrilled to offer same-day crowns to our patients.

If you have questions about getting same-day crowns from our qualified Lynchburg, VA, family dentist, Dr. Bunn, and the team at Dental-Doctors of Lynchburg, all you have to do is call us at (434) 385-7718 to schedule a consultation. Getting dental care really should be this simple.

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