• Celebrate Labor Day by Getting Away
    Labor Day honors the contributions that workers have made to this country, and for many Americans, the holiday is a great time to relax at home with family and friends. Read more
  • Oral Health Concerns Specific to Pregnant Women
    A lot of changes occur in a woman's body during pregnancy. Hormone fluctuations are responsible for many of those changes, including the need for additional attention to the teeth and Read more
  • Dangers of Alcohol and Oral Health
    We often have patients who ask, “Can drinking alcohol affect my oral health?” There are, in fact, a few reasons why that martini may not be good for your pearly Read more
  • The Dog Days of Summer
    Here we are in the middle of the hottest time of the year. Yes, it’s the dog days of summer. But, wait—just what are “the dog days of summer,” anyway? The Read more
  • Minimally Invasive Dentistry
    As the field of dentistry advances and the use of technology in the field increases, the concept of minimally invasive dentistry has emerged. Preservation of a healthy set of natural Read more
  • Five Easy Ways to Prevent Gum Disease
    Gum disease can be painful and lead to missing teeth if you don’t treat it properly. However, there are plenty of things you can do to lower your risk of Read more
  • Socket Preservation
    Dental implants are a marvel! They look just like your natural teeth, and, even better, they function just like your natural teeth. So, when you’re planning on a dental implant Read more
  • The Link Between Dental Hygiene and Your Overall Health
    When patients of Serene Hills Dentistry hear any mention of oral or dental hygiene, they probably think of brushing and flossing their teeth. Although these are extremely important, the term Read more
  • Happy Fourth of July
    Every year, Americans all over the world celebrate the birth of the country and its independence on the Fourth of July. There are countless ways that people celebrate and they Read more
  • What are dental implants?
    Do you have a space where a tooth used to be? Were you born with a missing tooth? Are you getting ready for dentures? You may be a good candidate Read more
  • When to Begin Dental Care for Your Child
    Children’s oral health differs from that of adults in a variety of ways. the doctor and our team want you to understand how you can provide the best care for Read more
  • What is an Impacted Tooth?
    You may have heard this term the first time you or a friend got your wisdom teeth. That makes sense, as wisdom teeth are the teeth most often impacted in Read more
  • Healthy Summer Foods
    It’s summer—that wonderful time of year when fresh and delicious produce abounds. the doctor will tell you that your teeth, gums, and tissues all rely on an appropriate mix of Read more
  • Periodontics and Braces Treatment
    Most people think braces are all about their teeth. While it is true orthodontics is meant to move your teeth into proper position, there's more to it than that. To Read more
  • Memorial Day
    Memorial Day is not only a federal holiday in the United States, but it is a day of observance and remembrance of those who died in service. Originally known as Read more
  • Good Teeth Lead to Sporting Success
    You already know that taking care of your teeth can help prevent tooth decay and the need for extensive work such as root canals or implants, which can be inconvenient Read more

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