The Use of Botulinum Toxin (BOTOX®) in Dentistry

Botulinum toxin (BOTOX®) has been widely used for the treatment of various conditions associated with pain and excessive muscle contraction since the 1970’s. When botulinum toxin is injected into the muscle, it blocks certain nerve signals that initiate muscle contraction, thus preventing complete firing of the muscle. Botulinum toxin has many dental implications: the treatment of TMJ disorders and associated jaw tension/pain as well as a non-surgical alternative to treating gummy smile.

Located on both sides of the head where the jaw meets the skull, the Temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) is used during everyday activities such as eating, talking and swallowing. If this joint becomes overworked or displaced through excessive teeth grinding or clenching, especially during stressful times, a person may develop severe tension headaches. When injected into facial muscles, specifically the muscles of mastication or chewing, BOTOX® relieves jaw tension and pain by producing partial chemical denervation of the muscle. This denervation allows the muscles to relax and prevents the muscles from engaging in powerful, subconscious movements. These injections can also reduce or even eliminate headaches as a result of teeth grinding and stress and can minimize lock jaw.

Botulinum toxin is also a great, non-surgical alternative to treating gummy smile. Gummy smile is a term used to describe excessive display of gingival tissue in the maxilla upon smiling. When a patient has a gummy smile mainly due to hyperactive lip muscles, treatment with BOTOX® is proven effective in reducing muscle movements, thus allowing for a natural, non-gummy smile.

Botulinum toxin as an alternative for jaw tension/pain as well as treatment of gummy smile is quick, effective and generally painless.  Most patients experience noticeable improvement within the first few days of treatment, although maximum effect is typically noted around 1-2 weeks.

Interested in learning more about how BOTOX® can help with your TMJ related pain or gummy smile? Contact Serene Hills Dentistry for a complimentary consultation.  

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