Skip the Wait for a Permanent Crown

Dentists use dental crowns to cover teeth that have been damaged due to an injury or decay. In most cases, you will need several appointments when getting a crown. Your dentist will shape the damaged or decayed tooth and make an impression so the crown can be made. After the crown is created, you will come back to have it placed. Dr. Robert Wilder and Dr. Kevin Speer of Wilder Dentistry use CEREC same-day crowns, in Spokane Valley, WA, to expedite the process.

What Is CEREC?

CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic. This is specialized equipment that allows your dentist to design and create restoration using a computer.

How Does CEREC Work?

Your dentist will create and design the restoration using computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM). The design is created using impressions with computer software. It is then sent to a unit designed to make the ceramic crown. CEREC is used in other dental treatments, including:

  • Veneers
  • Inlays and Onlays
  • Orthodontic appliances
  • Dentures
  • Fixed bridges
  • Dentures

What Is Involved In the CEREC Procedure In Spokane Valley, WA?

There are three steps in the CEREC process. The tooth will be numbed and prepared, and your dentist will take a scan or an impression of your mouth. Your dentist will use computerized software to create a model of your crown that is custom-made just for you. Your specifications are sent to grinding or milling equipment that will create a crown with impeccable accuracy. The crown will be placed in your mouth, and your dentist will make any necessary adjustments. Finally, they will bond the crown to your tooth.

What Are the Benefits Of CEREC?

CEREC has benefits that you cannot get from a traditional crown procedure. Unlike the traditional crown process that takes two visits, CEREC takes just one visit, saving you the stress and time of multiple visits to the dentist. Because the process can be done on one visit, there is no need for a temporary crown while you wait for the new one to be made. This will reduce your risk of infection and further dental problems.

If you have a damaged or decayed tooth that needs to be restored, Dr. Wilder and Dr. Speer can use CEREC in Spokane Valley, WA, to treat the problem. Why deal with multiple appointments and temporary fixes when you can have the procedure performed in just one day? To schedule an appointment call Wilder Dentistry today at (509) 891-7770.

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