Would Invisalign Work For Your Smile?

If you want to have a straighter smile, Invisalign is a discrete orthodontic treatment that can give you the beautiful smile you deserve. Dr. Robert Wilder and Dr. Kevin Speer of Wilder Dentistry offer Invisalign treatment in Spokane Valley, WA.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign is a tooth straightening system that is made up of a series of clear plastic aligner trays. These aligners are custom-made to gently shift your teeth into the desired alignment over time. You wear each set of trays for about two weeks before moving on to the next set. You have to commit to wearing them for around 22 hours per day to see a straighter smile. It takes around 12-18 months for your smile transformation to be complete. Invisalign is a great option for older teens and adults who want a discrete treatment because the aligners are almost invisible.

Benefits of Invisalign in Spokane Valley, WA

Invisalign aligners have many benefits, including:

  • You can eat anything you want. One of the top benefits of Invisalign is that there are no food restrictions. You won’t have to avoid eating food that is too sticky or hard like you do with braces. This is because the aligners are removed before you eat or drink, with the exception of water
  • The trays are almost invisible. There are some people who think braces look unappealing. You will not have to worry about anyone seeing wires or brackets when you smile because the trays are made of clear, soft plastic
  • Duration of treatment. Invisalign takes anywhere from 6 months to a year and a half to straighten your teeth. this is significantly shorter than other orthodontic treatments
  • Improve your dental health. Having straight teeth is important for healthy gums and teeth because you can clean your teeth more thoroughly

Are you interested in learning more about Invisalign in Spokane Valley, WA? Dr. Wilder and Dr. Speer of Wilder Dentistry can help. Call (509) 891-7770 to schedule your appointment today.

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