Black Toe

When you’re a very active person, it’s important that you’re not subjecting your body to an overwhelming amount of stress and repetitive actions and that you’re getting the rest your body needs. When you participate in vigorous activities without the relaxation that your body needs, you may experience impact trauma. One form of impact trauma is known as black toe and can occur when your big toe is slamming against the front of your shoes often and you’re exercising on uneven surfaces.

What is Black Toe?

When you take part in activities like hiking, running, or vigorous walking, you’re taking the risk of injuring your feet, especially if you aren’t taking all the proper precautions needed to protect your feet. Some common symptoms of black toe include:

  • Black or bruised color on the toe or toenail
  • Pain or discomfort
  • Blood under the nail

Black toe can even occur without noticeable trauma or pain if you’re taking part in vigorous exercise for prolonged periods at a time. It’s important that you talk to your doctor when you experience any symptoms so that they can rule out any other issues that could be causing the discoloration and pain.

Preventing and Treating Black Toe

It’s important that you’re taking proper care of your feet to avoid issues such as black toe. You should be sure to regularly cut your toenails and make sure to cut straight across. Wear properly fitted shoes that offer support to the arch and have non-slip soles. Padded socks can also help reduce the amount of impact that your toe takes on.

When you’re dealing with black toe, the best way to treat it is by resting. When left alone, black toe should go away on its own. You may notice that in certain cases, the toenail will fall off but a new nail will grow over time.

Contact Your Doctor Today

Foot care is important, especially when you’re an athlete! Contact your doctor at Pennsylvania Vascular Institute in King of Prussia, Philadelphia, Bethlehem, and East Stroudsburg, PA, for more information today at (800)296-9294.

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