
240 18th Street Circle SE

Hickory, NC 28602

(828) 322-2550

(828) 322-7748

Missed Appointment Policy

Catawba Pediatrics is committed to accommodate our patients, within reasonable limits, by providing appointment times that suite individual needs and schedules. A scheduled appointment is a time that we specifically set aside for your child. If for any reason you are unable to keep your child’s appointment, we do ask that you call our office 24 hours in advance to cancel or reschedule.  In the event you are unable to call us due to an emergency, management will review the situation.

  • Late cancellations may result in a missed appointment.
  • Patients who arrive 20 or more minutes late for any appointment can be deemed as a No Show and may be asked to reschedule their appointment.
  • If you your child misses 4 appointments within a 12 month period, your family may be dismissed from our practice.

·        1st Missed Appointment:  No Correspondence

·        2nd Missed Appointment:  No Correspondence

·        3rd Missed Appointment:  Warning Letter

·        4th Missed Appointment:  Patient Dismissal

New Patient Appointment(s) 

1. If two consecutive appointments are missed without adequate notification, this will automatically result in termination of care for your child and siblings. 

2. If siblings are scheduled together for the same day and both appointments are missed without adequate notification, this will be considered as one no-show per patient.     

·        If sibling’s no-show on the same day, they must be scheduled separately for all future appointments.

·         If the next scheduled appointment is missed without adequate notification, this will automatically result in termination of care for your child and siblings.

Links to view Policies



Our Location

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


7:50 am-4:30 pm


7:50 am-4:30 pm


7:50 am-4:30 pm


7:50 am-4:30 pm


7:50 am-4:30 pm


7:30 am-9:30 am


7:30 am-9:30 am

