Root Canal

Root Canals- to be or not to be                                                                 

There is STILL no one single answer nor one single treatment for every one or every tooth!

Stem cells are being used in the laboratory and in some clinics to try to regrow nerves in teeth now. Cloning teeth has been done in labs for years. But, the age old practice of leaving dead organic material in the body is ONLY done with TEETH!

The foreboding question: Root Canal or Extract…

Root Canal Therapy is a procedure in which the dead nerve and blood supply are removed from the underlying root of a tooth to prevent or treat an abscess (pus pocket, necrotic bone, acid pH and low voltage area created by the body’s defense system in response to dead or dying tissue).

As this soft tissue decays, the body’s defenses try to handle the infected tissues (much like the body would as if it were a splinter in your hand), pus is formed and pressure builds up (creating terrible tooth ache sometimes– sometimes no symptoms at all). The problem with teeth is that the body cannot clean up the dead tissue because it is incased inside the hard structure of the tooth.

Dr. Jerry Tennant of Texas writes in his books that no matter the microbial growth around even asymptomatic root canal teeth, the voltage is off making the dead teeth a dark alley-way for bugs to live and an electron stealer… which makes the voltage of the area positive which is really a BIG NEGATIVE for our health. Dr. Tennant shows the voltage of root canal/ dead teeth can be +30 millivolts—cancer is +30 millivolts! And, he says normal healthy teeth are -25 to -30 millivolts which in reality if a BIG POSITIVE for the body! Normal healthy tissue is an electron lottery- meaning the more we have the better we can buffer the pH to normal. So, -25 to -30 millivolts is a GOOD THING for us!!

My friend and colleague, Dr. Ron Dressler , co-founder of the IAOMT , states that the Academy recommends utilizing ozone therapy to maintain the pH of old Root Canal teeth until if/when you decide to get them out to prevent infection of tooth and bone called “Cavitation.”

In days of old, silver points were fitted into the roots of teeth to ‘fill’ the empty space where nerve and blood supply used to live. Or, Sargenti’s filling material (taken off the market, now) was used which was not bio-compatible [very problematic when accidently expressed into the periapical (around the root tip) area]. Gutta-percha is natural rubber substance is contaminated with radiopaque material (such as lead) to make it show up better on radiographs (which are commonly called x-rays [--a misnomer)]is known now not to be a bio-compatible material. The PROBLEM with GUTTA PERCHA filling the empty nerve space after the dead nerve, blood vessels, and lymph vessels are removed, is… drumroll: it is NOT antimicrobial and the cement it is coated with will dissipate over time.

According to research by (past President of the IAOMT, Stuart Nunnally, et al), is that the really bad bugs can set up housekeeping in the gutta percha and release toxins into the body which can stop over 300 enzyme reactions.

* The author concludes, "Root canal therapy has proved to be an effective way of treating and retaining endodontically diseased teeth, yet research has demonstrated that root canal therapy does not render the tooth sterile. These preliminary results suggest that root canal treated teeth inhibit the action of critically important enzymes that generate cellular ATP."

IF YOU HAVE DECIDED TO GET A ROOT CANAL…today STEM CELLS from your own blood can be put into the nerve canal. Global microscopes, ozone therapy, laser sanitization, non-silver/non-lead based calcium oxide or resin filling materials, and rotary instruments in well trained hands, make today’s root canals an accepted procedure by some of the IAOMT  members.  There is still a division in opinions.

Not all root canalled teeth need to be removed in every instance, but the older the patient becomes, the more drain on the immune system the root canalled teeth become. Each case is individual. There is NO WAY to look at an X-ray and tell if a RC tooth is NOT a problem! There have to be other tests done. And, not ALL boney changes that show up on 3D cone beams need to be treated! Individual examination, diagnosis, and treatment planning by an experienced clinician is REQUIRED even when the regular X-ray looks perfect and there are no symptoms!

Not all root canals are created equal and according to Dr. Jerry Tennant ALL teeth can be damning to the electricity in the human body. Check out his book Healing is Voltage Cancer’s on/off switches: Polarity.

Damage to a tooth or an organ on the electrical lines in the body called meridans can short circuit the body’s power grid and wreak havoc on the immune system. A typical scenario of a tooth abscessing will exhibit asymptomatic periods as the body attempts to clean up the area. But a typically the tooth will eventually get more and more sensitive, more and more frequently, until a full-blown toothache occurs. When the tooth is left untreated, many times, then infection blows a hole in the bone, and the pus escapes into the surrounding tissues causing a gumboil or swelling up the face/neck. Some teeth abscess and never have any symptoms as I have found many like that through the years on periodic x-rays. Even my own mother-in-law who had an artificial heart valve had an abscess that we unexpectedly found on a periodic full set of digital x-rays. In her case, she needed the tooth out immediately to prevent complications in her mechanical heart valve!

The misconception about the body’s ability to heal itself of an infected tooth, EVEN with the right medicines/supplements, there is just no way for the body to access all of the “splinter” or dead/dying tissue CAUSING the infection because the source of the infection is the nerve encased in the tooth which is just specialized bone! Dr. Jerry Tennant says that the dead organic material should NOT be left in the body!

Schedule a phone or online consult for first, second or third opinion!  https://www.georgiaholisticden...

Remember, Your Health Matters!

Warmly,  Dr. Lolli~~

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