Dr. Shahla Asvadi - MD

Understanding the Causes of Itchy Skin (Atopic Dermatitis)

The condition of your skin could be an indicator of the quality and amount of self-care you give yourself. You might have an itchy rash caused by a skin condition called atopic dermatitis or eczema that can be resolved with a simple treatment prescribed by a skincare specialist. Find out how Nicole Morgan PA-C can help you with itchy skin at Framingham Dermatology in Framingham, MA.

The Causes of Itchy Skin 

Itchy skin, which is often caused by atopic dermatitis or eczema, has a number of causes that can be related to both internal and external factors. Common causes include:

  • An allergic reaction, such as to dust, pet dander, or a chemical substance like detergent.
  • Using a body wash or cleanser that has perfumes or dyes.
  • Dry skin that isn’t moisturized regularly or dirt on the skin from not washing thoroughly.
  • Heredity (inherited from a family member).
  • Taking medication that triggers a skin rash or itchiness.
  • Diagnosis of a separate medical condition like hyperthyroidism, liver disease, kidney disease or diabetes.

Treatments for Atopic Dermatitis

The initial solution your Framingham, MA, skin specialist may recommend for itchy skin is changing the products you use for washing and moisturizing your skin. Choose products that are specifically made for sensitive skin. The next option you’ll discuss is a medicated treatment, such as a steroidal cream or topical antiseptic. If the source of your skin issue is allergies, an antihistamine, prescribed orally or in a cream form, may help.

Skin Care Advice 

If you want to avoid itchy skin in the future, follow these simple tips at home:

Carry a doctor-recommended skin moisturizing with you to keep your skin moisturized throughout the day. If you plan to spend a period of time outdoors in the sun, always apply sunscreen. Actively avoid allergy triggers. Use hydrocortisone and the medicated creams prescribed by your skin specialist at the first sign of a flare-up.

Get Relief from Itchy Skin 

The more you scratch and pick at your skin, the more likely you can develop sores and possible skin infections, which is why it’s best to actively treat the issue with the help of a skin specialist. Call (508) 644-0040 today to schedule a skin consultation for itchy skin with Nicole Morgan PA-C and her staff at Framingham Dermatology in Framingham, MA.

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