Dr. Shahla Asvadi - MD

Skin Rash

Skin Rash

What is a Skin Rash?

A skin rash is a skin condition that causes inflammation, redness, bumps, and blemishes. Rashes can be a temporary skin condition, or they can become a chronic problem. There are both itchy and non-itchy rashes.

Causes of a Skin Rash

Skin rashes can be caused by several issues, including exposure to toxic plants like poison ivy or poison oak. A skin rash can also be a sign of an allergy, or a side effect of some medications, including antibiotics.

Types of Skin Rashes

There are several common types of skin rashes, including:

  • Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, appears as itchy patches on your face, neck, limbs, or trunk
  • Contact dermatitis appears as a dry, non-itchy rash, caused by exposure to chemicals
  • A drug rash, caused by an allergic reaction to medications, appears as red spots that spread to cover large areas of your body

Home Remedies for a Skin Rash 

You may be able to relieve a skin rash using a few simple home remedies, including over-the-counter anti-itch creams or lotions and oral antihistamines. Taking a soothing oatmeal bath can also relieve itching.

When To Visit Your Doctor for a Rash

Consider visiting your dermatologist if your skin rash doesn’t resolve or is getting more severe.

How Your Doctor Can Treat a Skin Rash

Your dermatologist can treat your skin rash and help you get relief. Common professional treatments for a skin rash include:

  • Oral antihistamines
  • Oral steroids
  • Topical cortisone creams
  • Antibiotics if your rash is developing into an infection

When a Skin Rash Can Develop Into an Emergency

A sudden appearance of a skin rash can be a sign of an anaphylactic reaction, which can be life-threatening. Call emergency services if you are experiencing:

  • A rash covering most of your body or your face
  • Severe blistering
  • Difficulty breathing and swallowing
  • Swelling, especially if your eyes are swollen shut
  • Uncontrollable itching

Want To Know More about the Causes and Treatment of Skin Rashes?

To discover more about the causes and treatment of skin rashes, talk with the experts. Call the dermatology professionals at Framingham Dermatology in Framingham, MA. You can reach them in the office by calling (508) 644-0040, so call today.

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