Dr. Shahla Asvadi - MD

Mole Checks

Mole Checks

Moles appear as small brown spots on your skin, and although they are usually harmless, they can become cancerous under certain circumstances, so it's essential to examine them regularly. Skin cancer can be very dangerous, but it is highly treatable if it is detected early. Mole checks are vital, both on your own and with the help of your dermatologist. Learn more about mole checks and skin cancer prevention by reaching out to Nicole Morgan PA-C of Framingham Dermatology in Framingham, MA.

ABCs of Mole Checks 

Examining your skin between visits to your dermatologist's office can help detect potential issues early. You're not expected to fully diagnose these on your own, but there are signs you can look for in moles to determine if they might be concerning. For this purpose, you can turn to the widely used standard of ABCDE, of which each letter stands for a possibly concerning trait—asymmetry, borders, color, diameter, and evolving. 

Asymmetry is the opposite of symmetry, so it refers to moles that do not pass a mirror test, in which one half does not look like the other. 

Look out for borders that are irregular or have jagged edges. 

Similarly, the color may not be uniform throughout the mole. 

Moles of larger size could also be a potential problem; a commonly used strategy is to compare the size of a mole to the diameter of a pencil's eraser—moles should be smaller. 

Lastly, but perhaps easiest to notice if you're checking your skin regularly, is if any mole has changed its characteristics over the past few weeks, months, or even years. Essentially, the mole may evolve in shape, size, or color. 

Mole Checks in Framingham, MA 

Self-examinations and mole checks are only part of prevention. Be sure to visit your dermatologist regularly and report any concerns while they perform a more complete and thorough examination. You can schedule a consultation with Nicole Morgan PA-C of Framingham Dermatology in Framingham, MA, by dialing (508) 644-0040.

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