Release your inner diva!

Looking good and feeling great go hand in hand. Whether you want to admit it or not, we all have an inner diva and we all need to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine! It’s not about acting bratty or spoiled. Releasing your inner diva is about that positive attitude and confidence that comes from knowing you look and feel your best!

Of course, nobody is perfect and we all get a little self-conscious about our individual figure flaws. That is why a big part of releasing your inner diva is to accentuate the positive. Whether you feel like you have wrinkles, a Mommy muffin top, sagging arms, or crow’s feet, accept yourself and look for the good. If you have great legs, show them off! You know what your best features are, so let them out and share the love!

There are many online fashion guides and television style shows that can give you some hints and tips about camouflaging your figure flaws and draw attention to your assets. We all have assets, so it is just learning how to play them up and draw attention to them.

That is the outside. On the inside, what gives you confidence is being comfortable in your own skin. When you wear comfortable clothes that are also fashionable and colorful, you are showing the world how wonderful you really are. Part of feeling comfortable is accepting ourselves as the less-than-perfect people we are. When you start from acceptance and then add some fun pieces to your wardrobe or some improved makeup techniques, you are definitely feeling good and looking great from top to bottom.

Divas love shoes, but that does not mean you have to wear anything uncomfortable! There are so many healthy types of shoes, which look good and have the latest fashions. Be sure to find the right height and width that you are most comfortable with. While we all love how Posh Spice looks in heels, it’s important to remember that she actually threw her back out wearing them while pregnant.

Divas also l-o-v-e love accessories, so play it up. Find a jewelry style you are comfortable with, or purchase a new jacket in a classic shape with a bold color. By adding select pieces like a scarf or face-flattering sunglasses, you have just expanded your wardrobe options and added a little more to your repertoire for feeling fine and looking sassy!

As John Lennon said, “We all shine on, like the moon and the stars and the sun!” When you are accepting of yourself as you are — complete with your imperfections — and you use some good fashion sense, your inner diva is ready to come out and play any day of the week, any time of the year!

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