Video About Text Messages and Cyberbullying

Recently several parents have asked me questions related specifically to text messages between tween/teens.  I have come across a wonderful website that I think has good information and is also an informative video that tween/teens can watch.  The video can be used to open a conversation with your teen about appropriate and safe “texting”.
The website is run by the National Center for Exploited and Missing Children.  The name of the video is called “Terrible Text.”  Here is the link:

Teens and parents should watch it together and go over some of the suggested tips for handling hurtful text messages.  Some of the suggested tips are listed below:

1.    If you are being harassed, talk to parents, school administrators or local law enforcement, if you feel unsafe
2.    Don’t respond to rude or harassing comments
3.    Password-protect your cell phone
4.    Only share your password with your parents
5.    Change your password often
6.    Think before sending photos or comments that can hurt you
7.    If you receive negative comments or photos, do not erase them; save them for evidence, if needed

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