Dr. Renee Asks Parents to Take the “Cyber Duty Pledge”

Just as parents and teachers have recess duty and watch over schoolchildren during free play, it is time for parents and teachers to also sign up for “cyber duty.” Here is how you can sign the pledge:

1. Have a conversation with your child about the world wide web, the opportunities it presents, the excitement of logging on, and the possible dangers it can invite.

2. Together with your child come up with ground rules that allow them to have fun, but also does not put them at-risk.

3. Sign the pledge as a family.

Below are two sample pledges to get you started. Sign your pledge today.

I. Sample Cyber Duty Pledge for Parents

I (insert parent’s name) promise to oversee my child’s usage of the Internet, and to make sure they follow the below ground rules:
(insert approximately 5-10 of the ground rules below.)
I also promise to let my child enjoy the Internet, as long as he/she is following the rules. I also reserve the right to call another Cyber meeting, at which point I can review, revise or change the ground rules.


Download a PDF of our Cyber Duty Pledge for Parents.

II. Sample Cyber Duty Pledge for Children, Tweens, and Teens

I (insert child’s name), promise to abide by the below ground rules that I helped create with my parents:
(insert approximately 5-10 of the ground rules below.)
I understand that these rules are to protect me, my family, and friends on the Internet. I also promise to be respectful to others when using the World Wide Web. I also understand that my parents are always on Cyber Duty, and can check my computer, cell phone, or other electronic devices at any time.


Download a PDF of our Cyber Duty Pledge for Children, Tweens, and Teens.

Suggested Ground Rules:

1. Have designated times when online communication is allowed.

2. Set time limits on online communication (set a timer next to the computer, ie. 45 minutes on Facebook, etc.).

3. Friends list on Facebook and other social networking sites must be approved.

4. Random checks by parents should be expected.

5. Don’t say anything in cyberspace that you would feel uncomfortable saying face-to-face.

6. No personal information (address, phone number, school, whereabouts,etc.) should be posted online.

7. Pictures to be posted must first get approval from an adult.

8. Monitor YouTube usage and what is posted on YouTube.

9. Ensure that, when children go to other’s houses, they are still responsible for the ground rules you have put in place (even if the other person does not have ground rules). It is also important that children know what the consequences are if ground rules are broken.

10. Talk to your kids about appropriate online behavior and what works for them and their friends.

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