Does Your Child Have Allergies?

Find out if your child’s symptoms could actually be the result of allergies.

From the foods we eat to elements in the air that we breathe in, there are a variety of things in our daily world to which we can become allergic. If you notice that your child is sneezing, coughing a lot, or dealing with stomachaches after eating certain foods, you may be Child Allergieswondering if it’s time to turn to our Bolingbrook, IL, pediatricians to find out if they have allergies.

Allergy Symptoms

The symptoms your child experiences will really depend on the specific allergen. Common allergy symptoms include,

  • Rash or hives
  • Wheezing or trouble breathing
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Runny or stuffed up nose
  • Watery, itchy eyes
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Stomachache
  • Nausea

While allergy symptoms are often self-limiting, if your child is having difficulty breathing then it’s important to see a doctor right away.

Common Childhood Allergies

Just about anything can become an allergen. Of course, the most common childhood allergy triggers include,

  • Outdoor allergies such as pollen, insect bites, or stings
  • Indoor allergies such as pet dander, mold, and dust mites
  • Cigarette smoke or perfume
  • Food allergies particularly to dairy, eggs, shellfish, and nuts

If you find that your child experiences sneezing or coughing fits when they play outside, this could be a warning sign that they have outdoor allergies. If you notice that your child develops stomach pains or other intestinal issues after eating certain foods this could be a sign of a food allergy. Since it isn’t always easy to tell what might be triggering your child’s symptoms, it’s a good idea to visit a pediatrician for a simple allergy test.

When to See a Doctor

The sooner our pediatrician can detect and diagnose your child's allergies, the sooner we can provide them with the relief they need. This equates to an improved quality of life and fewer sick days from school. If your child’s symptoms are happening regularly or are severe, don't hesitate to give us a call.

If you are living in Downers Grove or Bolingbrook, IL, and you believe your child is suffering from allergies then it’s time to get answers right away. Call Downers Grove Pediatrics to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors today. For our Downers Grove Office, call (630) 852-4551, and for our Bolingbrook Office, call (630) 759-9230.

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