FAQs About Immunizations

As a caring parent, you want to keep track of what your child is doing in school, what they're eating, and who their friends are. It can be exhausting staying on top of all of these things, but immunizations are one thing that you can count on to always keep your child safe!. All it takes is a visit to Downers Grove Pediatrics in either Downers Grove or Bolingbrook, Illinois. Below, you'll find the answers some of theChild Immunizations most common questions asked about immunizations.


Why are immunizations still important?

Although illnesses like diphtheria and polio are very uncommon in the United States, infections can still happen, often as a result of world travel. Additionally, outbreaks of pertussis and measles continue to occur, as well. Luckily, vaccinations like the ones from your Bolingbrook pediatrician keep these pockets of affliction from becoming epidemics. A vaccinated population also keeps very young babies and people who cannot receive vaccines from becoming ill.


Why should I follow the recommended immunization schedule?

In recent years, there has been some controversy associated with the number of vaccines that children receive at one time. However, the pediatricians at our Downers Grove and Bolingbrook offices advise against going against the recommended schedule set forth by the scientists at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). These experts have determined a childhood vaccination schedule that works with the natural processes of the human immune system, offering the best chance at prevention of disease. The CDC's schedule is safe and will help keep your children as healthy as possible!


Are vaccines painful?

Each child responds to the feeling of getting a "shot" differently. You can expect that there will be a brief twinge of discomfort when the vaccine is applied, but this is in no way harmful to your child and the pain will subside quickly. Some of our patients experience some achiness or tenderness at the injection site, as well as fever or fussiness, but this is temporary.


Interested? Give us a call!

To schedule your child's vaccinations with one of our pediatric staff, contact Downers Grove Pediatrics today! For your convenience, we have locations in both Bolingbrook (630-852-4551) and Downers Grove (630-759-9230).

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