How We Can Help Manage Your Child’s Allergies

Find out when it’s time to see a specialist about your child’s allergy symptoms.

While some children may deal with the occasional bout of seasonal allergies, if they are dealing with persistent or severe allergy Allergiessymptoms, then you should turn to our Bolingbrook, IL, pediatricians for answers. Once you have come in for a consultation, we can decide whether it’s best for your little one to see an allergy specialist or if we can treat the issue ourselves.


About allergy treatments

Here are tips for managing your child’s allergies:

  • Figure out what your child is allergic to: Often requiring allergy testing from our Bolingbrook office, this task is easier said than done! However, you look out for warning signs on your own to help. For example, if you find that your child always gets sick or breaks out in hives after eating a specific food, then this is a warning sign that they may have a food allergy. Records these symptoms and then bring these findings into your child’s pediatrician.
  • Determine what their allergy symptoms are and what they are not: It’s common for allergy symptoms to present similarly to a cold. Your child may have a runny nose, watery red eyes, sneezing or coughing. At first, you may even mistake their symptoms for a cold. Common over-the-counter medications like antihistamines or nasal steroid sprays may work, but it’s important to talk to your pediatrician first before giving your child any medication.
  • Take precautions: Along with taking certain medications to ease symptoms, the best way to prevent symptoms from occurring in the first place is to avoid the allergen whenever possible. For example, if your child is allergic to certain outdoor allergens, then it’s a good idea to avoid the outdoors on days when the pollen count is high. Alternatively, close up windows and doors and turn on air conditioners during warmer months.
  • Consider allergy shots: If your child’s allergy symptoms are severe or impacting their life then you may want to ask our pediatricians about getting immunotherapy, or allergy shots. These shots are administered regularly over the course of a couple of years to desensitize the body to the allergen.


Give us a call!

If you suspect that your child may be dealing with allergies, then it’s time to call Downers Grove Pediatrics. We have offices in both Bolingbrook and Downers Grove, IL, that are at your conveniece. Call us today to schedule an evaluation: dial 630-759-9230 for Bolingbrook, and (630) 852-4551 for Downers Grove.

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