Professional Care and ADHD

Learn more about the different ADHD treatment options for children.

When your child gets diagnosed with ADHD it may feel overwhelming, but know that the Downers Grove and Bolingbrook, IL, pediatricians at Downers Grove Pediatrics are here to provide you with the support, guidance and care you and your whole family needs to help your child manage their ADHD symptoms.

ADHD and Lifestyle Changes

While there are certain medications and therapies out there that our Bolingbrook, IL, pediatricians will recommend to help your child manage their ADHD symptoms, let’s first start with the easiest treatment options. Management of your child’s ADHD begins in the home. This means revamping their habits, lifestyle and diet to accommodate their diagnosis. These lifestyle changes may include,

  • Making sure your child gets daily exercise, which boosts certain neurotransmitters in the brain that help with focus
  • Spending time in nature, even just 30 minutes a day, which can also improve ADHD symptoms in children
  • Making sure your child is getting quality sleep every night (there are specific sleep hygiene habits that our team can discuss with you more in-depth at your child’s next appointment)
  • Ensuring that your child is getting the proper nutrition through a healthy, balanced diet (and supplementation, if necessary)

Professional Care and ADHD

While regular exercise, a healthy diet and quality sleep can certainly improve ADHD symptoms in children, we also know that home care isn’t the only way to manage symptoms. Another effective treatment for childhood ADHD is cognitive-behavioral therapy or behavioral therapy. These therapies can help set clear goals, reinforce positive behaviors and establish boundaries. Our Bolingbrook, IL, pediatricians can provide referrals to behaviorists and child psychologists that can provide your little one with the effective counseling they need.

ADHD and Medication

While therapy is an effective way to help kids and teens manage their ADHD more effectively, we also understand that sometimes therapy alone isn’t enough. In these cases, medication such as Ritalin can help children stay focused. Medication coupled with regular therapy sessions may provide the most effective results for properly managing your child’s ADHD symptoms.

No matter whether your child has been diagnosed with ADHD or they are displaying signs of ADHD, our Bolingbrook and Downers Grove, IL, pediatricians and the team at Downers Grove Pediatrics are here to provide diagnostic screenings and treatment options catered to your child’s unique needs. To schedule an evaluation, simply call us at (630) 852-4551 for the office in Downers Grove, IL, and (630) 759-9230 for the office in Bolingbrook, IL.

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