Are you missing several of your teeth? Wishing there was a permanent way to restore your smile? At Ocean Dental Center, with practices in Torrance, Hungtington and Long Beach, CA we are proud to offer dental bridges and implant-supported-bridges for our patients interested in replacing their missing teeth and restoring their smile.

About Our Torrance, Long Beach and Huntington Dental Bridges

At Ocean Dental Center, we offer both dental bridges and implant-supported-bridges, depending on your oral health and preference. A dental bridge is a fixed dental restoration which is used to replace one or several missing teeth. The bridge will span the entire area of missing teeth, completely restoring your smile. A typical dental bridge is secured into place using dental crowns on adjacent natural teeth, while implant bridges are stabilized using dental implants. Both options are fixed in the mouth, providing a stable, secure and permanent restoration.

Benefits of Our Dental Bridges in Torrance, Long Beach and Huntington

When it comes to restoring missing teeth and improving the appearance, health, and function of your smile, our dental bridges have a number of benefits. These benefits include:

  • Dental bridges replace your missing teeth.
  • Dental bridges improve your ability to speak and eat.
  • Dental bridges are designed to function, feel and look just like natural teeth.
  • Dental bridges require no adhesives or pastes.
  • Dental bridges can prevent teeth from shifting and becoming misaligned.

Get Your Torrance, Huntington and Long Beach, CA Dental Bridge Today

Think you may benefit from one of our dental bridges in Torrance, Huntington and Long Beach, CA? Schedule your appointment at Ocean Dental Center today! We would be more than happy to examine your oral health to determine whether a dental bridge is the right option for you.

Dental Bridges in Huntington Beach

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