Your First Visit at Ocean Dental Center

Have you scheduled your first appointment with Ocean Dental Center in Torrance, Huntington Beach or Long Beach CA? You may be wondering what to expect during your first visit with us! At Ocean Dental Center we provide a welcoming, comfortable environment, you will first be greeted by our receptionist who will take care of anything prior to your first appointment. During your first visit you can expect:

First Dental Cleaning

After discussing your oral health history and any questions you may have, we will perform your first dental cleaning at Ocean Dental Center, this will allow us to thoroughly clean your teeth, ensuring any bacteria, debris and plaque is completely removed from your mouth.

First Dental Examination

At your first appointment with Ocean Dental Center we will also provide a complete dental examination, inspecting your teeth, gums, tongue, lips and entire oral health. This allows us to monitor for any risk factors for decay, infection, disease and cancer. If any risk factors are noticed, a treatment plan can be created for you.

Scheduling routine professional dental visits allows us to diagnose and treat dental complications earlier, saving you time, money and unnecessary discomfort.

Schedule Your First Appointment Today

Looking for a new dental office in Huntington Beach, Torrance or Long Beach CA? Schedule your appointment with Ocean Dental Center today! We are always accepting new patients and look forward to helping you!

First Appointment Reminders

If you have dental insurance, please remember to bring any documents with you.

Make sure you arrive for your appointment about 15 minutes early to fill out any necessary paperwork.

If medication is required for your visit, be sure to request the prescription prior to your visit.

Your First Visit

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