Creating Positive Flossing Habits

Trying to figure out how to add flossing back into your oral routine? Here’s how…

We know that people understand the benefits of brushing their teeth; however, many people think that brushing is enough to keep their smiles clean. The problem is that many people don’t realize just how crucial flossing is to reduce the bacteria responsible for cavities and gum disease. From the office of our Austin, TX, dentists Dr. Joyce Wong and Dr. Stella Caballero, here’s how you can make flossing a habit that finally sticks,

Choose a time of day that works best 

If you’re usually rushing out the door in the mornings, then chances are good that flossing is going to be the last thing on your mind; therefore, you’ll want to choose a time in which you can put your focus on the task and you’re not likely to forget. It may be easier just to wait until the evening to floss. Try flossing before you brush so you’re less likely to forget.

Set a reminder

If you don’t have the best memory, it’s okay. Set up a daily reminder on your phone to help you remember that it’s time to floss. You’re already spending enough time on your smartphone anyway, it might as well help you adopt healthy habits, right? At some point, you won’t even need that reminder anymore.

Carry floss with you 

Make it nearly impossible to forget about flossing. Pack floss in your purse or leave it in the glove compartment of your car or at your desk. While you’ll need to do one serious floss session a day, it can be helpful to have floss on hand if you get something stuck between your teeth.

Figure out why you don’t like flossing 

Okay, let’s face it, flossing isn’t the most fun activity you could be doing, but if you want a clean bill of health from our Austin, TX, family dentist then flossing is going to help you achieve that. However, do you hate flossing because it hurts your gums or because you don’t have the right technique? Pinpoint the problem and talk to your dentist about it or find other flossing options. There are tons of flossing tools out there today, including oral irrigators, that can make flossing a lot easier.

Make the habit automatic 

Did you know that it takes an average of 66 days to turn a new behavior into an automatic one? So, if you start now you could be flossing without even needing to think about it or having to set reminders within about two months. The only way to make flossing automatic is to keep with it each and every day. You got this!

When was the last time you visited your Austin, TX, family dentist for a routine cleaning? If it’s been more than six months, then it’s time to see your dentist. With two offices in Austin, Avenue Dental makes it easier for families to get the routine dentistry they need. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Joyce Wong and Dr. Stella Caballero, call us at (512) 329-9900 for our South location or (512) 382-0100 for our North location.

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2712 Bee Caves Road, Suite 100 Austin, TX 78746

Monday - Thursday:

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday - Sunday:


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1720 W. Anderson Lane Austin, TX 78757

Monday - Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday:


Thursday, Friday:

8:00 am - 5:00 pm