
Veneers can help correct some common cosmetic issues, such as crooked teeth, worn teeth, teeth discoloration, chipped or broken teeth.  Veneers will dramatically improve the appearance of your smiles.

At Avenue Dental, we offer two types of veneers:Porcelain veneers - before and after - North Austin and South Austin Dentist

1. Composite or Chair-Side Veneers The major advantage of the composite veneer is treatment time.  If composite is used, the veneer can be done in one appointment.  The dentist will actually make the veneer directly on the prepared tooth. The veneer is then smoothed and polished to look like your natural teeth.  Since it takes only one appointment, you can leave Avenue Dental with a brand new smile.

One of the disadvantages of composite veneers is that they are not as strong as the porcelain veneer and therefore are more prone to fracture.  However, if a fracture does occur, they can be easily repaired by Dr. Wong because the same material that was used initially to make the veneer can be added in the same manner to fix it. The other disadvantage is that the color, although stable, is not as stable as the same porcelain veneer restoration.  This means that over time the veneers may get darker or turn yellow.  Eventually this change in color can warrant the replacement of the veneers.

2. Porcelain Veneers A porcelain veneer requires a longer treatment time. At the first appointment, your teeth are prepared and an impression is made of them. Temporary veneers are made out of plastic and placed on your teeth. They are used to protect your teeth while the real porcelain veneer is being fabricated. You can also use them to evaluate the look and feel of your teeth so that any changes you desire can be incorporated into your real veneers.

At the second appointment, Dr. Wong removes the temporary veneers and bonds the porcelain veneer to your teeth. Once the dental veneers are cemented, color alteration is no longer possible. Dental cement is applied between the dental veneers and tooth.

Although they are thin, a porcelain veneer is much stronger than the composite veneer, so the risk of fracture as compared with composite veneers is much less. However, if a fracture does occur, repairing it is more difficult and may result in the veneer having to be remade.

In general, the porcelain veneer can be used in a greater variety of situations with a higher level of predictability. Since they are made outside the mouth, the shape and color can be easier to control, thus enhancing the final result. The result is a beautiful and long lasting smile you will love.

For more information about Veneers in the North Austin and South Austin, TX, area,
call Avenue Dental at (512) 382-0100 and (512) 329-9900 to schedule your appointment!

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

South Location
2712 Bee Caves Road, Suite 100 Austin, TX 78746

Monday - Thursday:

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday - Sunday:


North Location
1720 W. Anderson Lane Austin, TX 78757

Monday - Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday:


Thursday, Friday:

8:00 am - 5:00 pm