The Health Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment

Most people probably think about orthodontics in primarily cosmetic terms. You get braces to straighten your teeth, and generally make your smile more symmetrical. And while that's part of it, orthodontics are designed to correct bite and alignment problems with your jaw that can also jeopardize your oral health and cause a number of symptoms and problems if left untreated. Dr. Jeffrey Harris, a dentist in Warrenton, VA, offers a range of restorative and cosmetic dentistry options to improve your oral health and give you a smile that you can be proud of.

Orthodontics Treatment in Warrenton, VA

There are several reasons why people might need orthodontic treatment, one of which is crowding (when there's not enough room in the mouth for all of the teeth). This can make it difficult to adequately brush and floss, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease over time.

Other types of malocclusions (bite and alignment issues) can cause a number of problems ranging from difficulty eating and speaking clearly, to pain and damage to the TMJ joint.

When Are Orthodontics Necessary?

Orthodontic treatment is generally recommended for people with moderate to severe bite and alignment issues like an overbite, underbite, cross bite, and crowding. If the dentist notices problems with your or your child's bite pattern, they will recommend that you see an orthodontist for further evaluation and treatment.

While orthodontics are most common in children and teenagers, it's never too late to get treatment for malocclusions, especially if you're experiencing symptoms like pain or having difficulty eating or with your speech. Straighter teeth and a more attractive smile may be the end result of orthodontic treatment, but it will also improve your oral health and quality of life in the process.

Find a Dentist in Warrenton, VA

For more information about how orthodontics can improve your smile and general oral health, contact our office today by calling (540) 347-2777 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Harris.

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