Schmitt Pediatric Care Advice

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  • Newborn - Flying and Mountain Travel

    Questions about flying or mountain travel with a newborn baby.

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  • Newborn Appearance

    Common questions asked about the normal newborn’s appearance and body

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  • Newborn Birthmarks

    Common questions asked about normal birthmarks in newborns. Note: Rashes such as baby acne are not covered here.

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  • Newborn Illness - How To Recognize

    How infections and other serious diseases can present in newborns

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  • Newborn Rashes

    Common questions asked about normal skin rashes in newborns. Note: Mongolian spots and birthmarks are not covered here.

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  • Newborn Reflexes and Behaviors

    Common questions asked about newborn noises, reflexes and behaviors. These are normal and not signs of illness.

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  • Nose Allergy (Hay Fever)

    An allergic reaction of the nose. Main symptoms are an itchy nose, clear discharge and sneezing.

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  • Nose Foreign Body Removal

    Child put a foreign body (FB) in their nose. The child tells the parent or the parent see a strange object in child’s nose. Your doctor or nurse says it is safe to try to remove it at home. That’s only helpful for small, harmless objects.

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Schmitt Pediatric Care Advice