Schmitt Pediatric Care Advice

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  • Stubborn Toddler

    Your child says No to many normal requests. Your child disagrees with many of your normal suggestions. Your child constantly tests your rules

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  • Sty

    A sty is a red lump or pimple on the edge of an eyelid.

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  • Sunburn

    Red or blistered skin from too much sun. The redness, pain and swelling starts at 4 hours

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  • Suture Questions

    Common questions about sutures or stitches. Stapled wounds are treated the same as sutured wounds

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  • Swallowed Harmless Substance

    Your child swallowed an unusual but harmless substance. Your doctor told you it was harmless. It was not a solid object that could get caught in the throat or esophagus. It was not a poison, chemical or drug.

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  • Swallowed Small Object

    Small harmless solid object swallowed. Child has no symptoms.

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  • Swimmer's Itch

    An itchy harmless rash caused by tiny parasites in fresh water lakes. A less common rash can also occur in salt water (called clam digger’s itch).

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  • Tailbone Injury

    The most common injury is a bruised tailbone. The tailbone is the small bone at the lower end of the spine. Location: upper part of the groove between the buttocks.

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Schmitt Pediatric Care Advice