Schmitt Pediatric Care Advice

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  • Time-Out Technique

    Time-out means putting a child in a boring place for a few minutes to correct a misbehavior. It’s the most effective consequence (discipline technique) for misbehavior in 2- to 5-year-old children. Every parent needs to know how to give a time-out.

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  • Tinea Versicolor

    Skin infection of teens and adults caused by a fungus. Tinea versicolor means "ringworm of many colors"

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  • Toe Injury

    Injuries to toes.

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  • Toenail - Ingrown

    The corner of the toenail grows into the skin around it. Almost always involves the big toe (great toe)

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  • Toilet Readiness Training

    Readiness training means preparing your child for later potty training. It increases his or her chances of success.

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  • Toilet Training - How to Start

    Your goal is to toilet train your child. Your child will be toilet trained when without reminders he can: Walk to the potty. Pull down his pants.

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  • Toilet Training Resistance - Constipation from Stool Holding

    A child who refuses to be toilet trained and passes stools into his underwear. The medical term is encopresis.

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  • Toilet Training Resistance - Encopresis without Constipation

    A child who refuses to be toilet trained. He passes stools into his underwear or pull-up. The medical term for this is encopresis.

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Schmitt Pediatric Care Advice