The Advantages Of Lasik

Three of the most common refractive eye disorders are nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatisms. There are many ways to lasikcorrect these eye problems, however, and Lasik from the eye doctors at Skowron Eye Care is one of them. Your Elmhurst, Illinois eye doctor can examine each patient to determine whether or not they are a candidate for Lasik surgery.

About Lasik

Lasik is an outpatient procedure that takes less than 20 minutes to perform with no pain. During the surgery, an Elmhurst, Illinois eye doctor creates a corneal flap that is lifted with a blade or a laser to reveal the inner part of the cornea. The use of the laser is much safer. This flap is repositioned to correct these eye issues. Because the surface layer is preserved, there is less discomfort after Lasik surgery.

Some benefits of Lasik are that it is a quick and painless procedure. There also is less chance of infection. Because of the simple outpatient aspects, recovery is quick at just one to two days. Patients will receive clear vision without the need for any corrective lenses in a matter of days. There is a reduced chance of error due to the use of laser technology. With the use of a laser, a thinner and more precise flap is made and fewer complications are experienced.

Patients over 21 with healthy eyes with no retina problems, any eye disease or corneal scars are generally great candidates for Lasik. If your corneas are thick enough, you have adequate tears and your vision is stable, Lasik is for you. Poor candidates for Lasik include those with thin corneas, those with very dry eyes or individuals with constantly changing eye prescriptions.

To learn more about what our Elmhurst, Illinois eye doctor can do for you, call 630-834-6244 today. We are ready and willing to evaluate any patient to determine their candidacy for this procedure.

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