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When tears well up in the eye and overflow onto the face for no apparent reason, it can affect daily life. This condition, known as “epiphora,” can develop at any age and may affect one or both eyes. It is most common among those aged under 12 months or over 60 years. In the case of newborns with underdeveloped tear ducts, watery eyes are likely to clear up within a few weeks as the ducts develop. Among adults and older children, the most common cause of watering eyes is blocked ducts or ducts that are too narrow. It is important to investigate the underlying cause since stagnant tears in the tear sac increase the risk of infection. Treatment depends on how severe the problem is and the cause. In mild cases, doctors may recommend just watchful waiting, or doing nothing and monitoring the patient's progress. Epiphora is fairly easy to diagnose. To schedule an exam, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Experience, commitment to technology, and a genuine concern for patient welfare enable all of our doctors and our highly qualified staff to work as a team to consistently deliver quality. At Skowron Eye Care, your 20/20 vision is our mission.

P.S. Narrowed tear ducts usually occur as a result of swelling or inflammation.



Why would anyone wear eyeglasses if he or she did not need prescription lenses to correct their vision? The easy answer is fashion. Many individuals wear eyeglasses having lenses with no visual correcting power, called “plano lenses,” to project an image, make a fashion statement, or complement their wardrobe. Otherwise, eyeglasses with tinted plano lenses can be worn to filter out certain light wavelengths, such as the blue light emitted by electronic devices that may cause eye strain. Tinted plano glasses are also used to hide unflattering wrinkles around the eyes and bags under the eyes. Lastly, there are those who wear eyeglasses with plano lenses simply because they want to project a more academic image. What’s your reason? Although the price of plano lenses are about the same as normal prescription lenses, wearing a pair of plano lenses is the only safe way to wear non-corrective lenses. Plano lenses offer a variety of protective coatings, such as anti-scratch. They also block out harmful UV lighting. When it’s time to make the all-important choice for the best frames to fit your budget and style, look to SKOWRON EYE CARE! At Skowron Eye Care, your 20/20 vision is our mission.

P.S. Tinted plano glasses can be used by hobbyists to improve their vision, much in the way that hunters wear amber or yellow lenses in low-light conditions to make their environment appear brighter.



If you have ever looked through optical lenses and noticed colored halos around lights, you have an idea of what “chromatic aberration” is. This distortion is caused by the lenses’ inability to focus all colors onto the same focal point. Eyeglass wearers can best avail themselves of this information by referring to the “Abbe value” (or number) of a lens material. Named after the German physicist who defined it, Ernst Abbe, this number is a measure of how broadly the lens disperses different wavelengths of light as light passes through it. Lens materials with a low Abbe value have high dispersion (causing noticeable chromatic aberration), while those with low Abbe numbers will display less chromatic aberration. No matter what your eye condition, or how you choose to view the world, there are now prescription lenses that meet your unique lifestyle and vision correction needs. Eyeglass lenses that change as the light changes, from clear indoors to dark outdoors. Bifocal lenses that provide multiple fields of vision. High-index lenses that are thinner and lighter than ever before. For all your eyewear needs, please stop by SKOWRON EYE CARE. affordable eye care. At Skowron Eye Care, your 20/20 vision is our mission.

P.S. Abbe values for eyeglass lens materials range from 59 (glass) to 30 (polycarbonate).



The “cornea” is the dome-shaped, transparent membrane that covers the front portion of the eye. Aside from allowing light to enter the pupil, the cornea’s primary function is to refract (bend) light so that it properly focuses on the retina. If the eye’s shape does not bend light correctly, it will lead to such “refractive errors” as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. Fortunately, these errors can be corrected with prescription lenses. However, there is also a progressive eye disease, called “keratoconus,” which causes the corneal tissue to thin and develop a cone-like bulge. Keratoconus usually occurs in both eyes and generally begins to affect people ages 10 to 25, at which point it may be corrected with glasses or soft contacts.As the disease progresses, however, glasses and soft contact lenses may no longer correct vision and soft lenses may become uncomfortable. This is when other forms of vision correction will be recommended. The exact cause of keratoconus is not known, but it is believed that there is a genetic component. When you need to schedule an eye exam, please contact SKOWRON EYE CARE. Our showroom is stocked with the latest and greatest trends in budget and designer eyewear. At Skowron Eye Care, your 20/20 vision is our mission.

P.S. In its later stages, keratoconus may be corrected with rigid, gas-permeable contact lenses or other types of lenses.



Cataract surgery is an elective procedure, meaning that it is up to the patient to decide whether it is necessary or not. Most people live with this progressive clouding of the eye lens, until they get to the point where their vision is so impaired that it interferes with their daily activities. Up until the point when the patient feels surgery is necessary, he or she can address the blurry vision and other symptoms that are associated with mild cataracts with vision correction. For instance, if cataracts lead to nearsightedness (or make nearsightedness worse), prescription lenses can help alleviate foggy vision and improve better distance viewing. Then, cataract surgery can be postponed until it is deemed necessary. During the evaluation of your eye health we will carefully examine your lens for signs of cataract formation. If a cataract is noticed and the clouding is causing visual disruption, the optometrist will refer you to a trusted and respected surgeon for surgery. To schedule an exam, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Our goal is to help you maintain a lifetime of healthy, clear, comfortable vision by using the latest in technology from in-vogue eyewear and eyeglasses to complex contact lenses to LASIK eye surgery. At Skowron Eye Care, your 20/20 vision is our mission.

P.S. An age-related cataract is a painless, gradual clouding of the eye lens caused by clumps of protein that accumulate in the eye lens.



For those who have a strong lens prescription, “high-index” eyeglass lenses are an especially good option. These lenses are thinner and lighter than conventional lenses, and are significantly more comfortable and attractive. For instance, a nearsighted individual needs a corrective lens that is thin in the middle and thicker at the edge. The stronger the prescription is, the thicker the periphery of the lens is expected to be. However, because high-index lenses bend light much more efficiently than ordinary lenses, less lens material is needed. As a result, high-index lenses have a smaller profile and weigh less. High-index lenses with an aspheric design reduce the magnified “bug-eye” effect that often comes with conventional lenses in strong farsighted prescriptions. Most of today's popular lens designs and features, including progressive lenses and photochromic lenses, are available in high-index materials. But there are exceptions, so ask your eye doctor or optician for details. To learn more, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Our goal is to help you maintain a lifetime of healthy, clear, comfortable vision by using the latest in technology from in-vogue eyewear and eyeglasses to complex contact lenses to LASIK eye surgery. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. High-index lenses pair beautifully with rimless frames that leave the edges of the lenses completely exposed.



One of the primary goals of those aged 65 years and older is to preserve their independence and not have to rely on others. To meet these ends, many seniors engage in exercises that will strengthen their bodies and minds. Studies clearly show that, just as regular physical activity helps promote physical strength and balance, engaging in mind-stimulating activities (reading, doing crossword puzzles, learning a new skill, etc.) helps stave off dementia. With this in mind, a recent study involving adults between ages 65 and 85 shows that age-related vision loss leads to a decline in cognitive function because it reduces the ability of older adults to participate in brain-stimulating activities. Maintaining good vision is important for cognitive health. Vision fixes, including a new eyeglass prescription or surgery to remove cataracts, can go a long way toward helping seniors stay mentally sharp. Keep your vision crisp and your eyes healthy with regular visits to the team of experienced, friendly optometrists at SKOWRON EYE CARE. We've invested in the technology to make exam findings easier and more accurate for everyone from toddlers to seniors. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Eighty percent of the sensory information received by the brain comes from the eyes.



If you have difficulty seeing even when you are wearing your glasses, you may have “low vision,” which is visual impairment that cannot be restored with corrective devices, medical therapy, or surgical treatment. Whether low vision arises as a result of age-related changes or a specific eye condition, there are ways for you to maximize and maintain whatever vision you have left. Included among the many devices and strategies used to improve the eyesight of those with low vision are illuminated and electronic magnifiers, telescope lenses, and lenses that improve contrast. There are also talking alarm clocks, timers, and thermometers, as well as check-writing guides, self-threading needles, and knife guards. Vision can also be maximized at home with improved lighting. If you have hazy or blurred vision, light sensitivity, loss of peripheral vision, night blindness, a need for more light than before, unusual floaters or spots, or difficulty reading – your first step is to see an eye care professional for a complete exam. Keep your eyes healthy with regular visits to our team of experienced, friendly optometrists at SKOWRON EYE CARE. We've invested in the technology to make exam findings easier and more accurate for everyone from toddlers to seniors. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Signs of low vision include difficulty recognizing faces; missing pieces of letters or words while reading; and difficulty negotiating steps, curbs, and uneven surfaces while walking and stair-climbing.



Similar to the way that each of your feet may be of different length, so too may your eyes differ in “refractive power,” which is their light-bending focusing ability. When there is a disparity in the refractive power in each eye, the condition is known as “anisometropia.” It can be a potential problem for a child should it go undetected. If so, the child could develop amblyopia (“lazy eye”) if the brain were to selectively ignore the image from one eye. Fortunately, diagnosis and treatment of this eye problem with corrective lenses averts the potential for future problems. This is but one more reason why it is so important to regularly undergo comprehensive eye examinations.The first step is correcting the difference between the eyes with glasses or contact lenses. This may be all the brain needs to start using both eyes together, but the lenses must be worn consistently as instructed.  SKOWRON EYE CARE is able to provide you with a wide range of lens and eyewear options. Experience, commitment to technology, and a genuine concern for patient welfare enable all of our doctors and our highly qualified staff to work together as a team to consistently deliver quality, affordable eye care. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. While people with normal vision can have up to a 5% difference in the refractive power of each eye, those with a 5–20% difference will experience uneven vision (anisometropia).



The body’s balance system relies on a constant process of position detection, feedback, and adjustment, using communication between the inner ear, eyes, muscles, joints, and the brain. It comes as no surprise, then, that vision loss has been linked with loss of balance and falls among elderly individuals. Moreover, research shows that nearly one-quarter of older patients who suffer hip fractures have failing eyesight that appears to impede their recovery. On the basis of this finding, it is suggested that elderly hipfracture patients undergo a visual acuity test toward the beginning of their rehabilitation, and that eyeglasses be prescribed to improve visual acuity to the optimal extent. From a preventive standpoint, prescription eyeglasses may help   avoid bone-breaking falls. Poor vision can increase the risk of falling. Hazards are difficult to see, particularly if peripheral vision is limited. Depth perception is also affected. For example, some people may not notice a change from carpet to slippery tiles. Keep your vision crisp and your eyes healthy with regular visits to the team of experienced, friendly optometrists at SKOWRON EYE CARE. We've invested in the technology to make exam findings easier and more accurate for everyone from toddlers to seniors. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. People with vision loss are almost twice as likely to experience multiple falls as those with normal vision.



Eyeglass frames should be chosen to flatter the face. With this in mind, select frames that contrast with your facial shape (such as a square style on a round face), and find a design that is as wide (from temple to temple) as the widest part of your jawline. If the bridge of your nose lacks definition, choose frames with a bold bridge. The top of your frames should fall just below your brow line. Once you have selected the frames, take steps to ensure their longevity. Always remove your glasses with both hands. (Using one hand will bend the frame out of shape.) After removing your glasses, rest them on the edge of the frame, not on the lenses. Clean lenses regularly with warm water and a drop of dish detergent, then dry with a clean, soft cotton cloth, like a handkerchief, or a microfiber cloth. And use a hard shell case that is the correct size for your glasses. To learn more, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Our goal is to help you maintain a lifetime of healthy, clear, comfortable vision by using the latest in technology from invogue eyewear and eyeglasses to complex contact lenses to LASIK eye surgery. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. In order for a lens prescription to be effective, the optical center of each lens must be positioned directly in front of each corresponding pupil.



Eyeglasses are subjected to a great deal of wear and tear that can compromise their effectiveness and reduce their longevity, which are good reasons to protect lenses with lens coatings. For instance, because scratches can compromise vision and lead to eye fatigue, it is well worth the cost of having new lenses treated, front and back, with a scratch-resistant coating that helps ensure clearer vision. To further improve vision, it is also a very good idea to have an anti-reflective (AR) coating applied to lenses, which eliminates both back-glare (which occurs when light bounces off the back of the lens and into the eyes) and ambient glare from headlights and digital devices. UV-protective and anti-fog coatings are also recommended. To protect your investment in your eyewear, scratch-resistant coating should be considered for all eyeglass lenses. The only exception is glass lenses, which are naturally hard and scratch-resistant. For more information, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Our goal is to help you maintain a lifetime of healthy, clear, comfortable vision by using the latest in technology from in-vogue eyewear and eyeglasses to complex contact lenses to LASIK eye surgery. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Anti-fog lens coatings are not only good for preventing fogging when coming in from the cold to heated environments, but they also prove useful for preventing the lens fogging that occurs when playing sports and perspiring.



Recent research indicates that not only can vision loss lead to stress and anxiety, but stress and anxiety can actually lead to a loss in vision. According to a new study, persistent stress leads to raised levels of the “stress hormone” called cortisol, which is known to interfere with learning and memory; lower immune function and bone density; and increase weight gain, blood pressure, cholesterol, and the risk of heart disease. In addition, researchers have found that cortisol can negatively affect the vascular and sympathetic nervous system (which orchestrates the fight-or-flight response). As a result, our eyes can be affected to the point where they develop glaucoma or optic-nerve damage. Researchers also noted that stress may aggravate existing eye conditions. Most stress-caused eye issues are temporary. I you have a consistent issue with your eyes, no matter what’s going on in your life, the problem is likely with your eyes instead of your stress level. Make sure to see an eye doctor if you have persistent eye trouble. Keep your eyes healthy with regular visits to our team of experienced, friendly optometrists at SKOWRON EYE CARE. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. The new findings regarding an association between stress and vision loss should prompt those with a lot of stress and anxiety in their lives to have their eyes checked more often.



Even older adults with no serious age-related eye disorders are likely to find that their vision is not as good as it once was. Beginning in their early- to mid-forties, most individuals experience difficulty reading small print despite the fact that their distance vision remains excellent. Over time, those with the near-universal eye condition known as “presbyopia” find their ability to read print becomes ever more difficult. They might find themselves squinting to read and holding reading matter at arm’s length in order to cope with blurriness. By the time they reach their 50s and 60s, most presbyopic individuals find that they need reading glasses. Prescription reading glasses ensure that the magnifying power needed for each eye is properly specified. Generally, people who have never needed glasses in the past will start out with a pair of reading glasses rather than progressive lenses or bifocals, which are usually a better choice if you have a need for distance as well as near correction. For more information, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Our goal is to help you maintain a lifetime of healthy, clear, comfortable vision by using the latest in technology from in-vogue eyewear and eyeglasses to complex contact lenses to LASIK eye surgery. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. One symptom of presbyopia (the Greek word for “old vision”) is difficulty reading anything by dim light.



Fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, and lake trout contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are strongly linked with improved cardiovascular health. Another health benefit that may come from eating a fish-rich diet is healthier eyes. According to one study, women who consumed the most omega-3s from fish were found to be 40% less likely to develop “age-related macular degeneration” (AMD) than women with lower fish intake. Other research points to an association between eating fatty fish and a lower risk of “diabetic retinopathy,” which is a complication of diabetes that often causes blindness. There is also a study that reveals that women who consumed the most omega-3s from fish had a 17% lower risk of “dry eye.” Fat is essential to health because without fat, our bodies can't function properly. And without the proper kinds of fats in our diet, our eye health also may suffer. Keep your vision crisp and your eyes healthy with regular visits to our team of experienced, friendly optometrists at SKOWRON EYE CARE. Experience, commitment to technology, and a genuine concern for patient welfare enable all of our doctors and our highly qualified staff to work together to consistently deliver quality, affordable eye care. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Researchers have found that omega-3 fats appear to improve function in the eyes’ Meibomian glands, which produce the oily part of tears.



For those with a high degree of farsightedness, “aspheric lenses” offer some advantages over conventional eyeglass lenses. Because conventional lenses with plus corrections for farsightedness are thicker at the center, they protrude from the eyeglass frame. This central protrusion is responsible for making the lenses heavier than those for nearsighted corrections. They also carry the cosmetic disadvantage of making the eyes appear larger. Aspheric lenses, on the other hand, feature a special design that utilizes constantly changing curves to make the needed correction. Their smart design enables them to offer farsighted individuals lenses that are much slimmer and lighter, and magnify the eyes less, than conventional lenses. See the difference that aspherics can make when having your lens prescription filled. Aspheric designs are available in single vision lenses for the correction of nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism, and in progressive lenses, bifocals, and   trifocals for presbyopia. Although most aspheric lenses are made from high-index materials, they are available in regular plastic, too. SKOWRON EYE CARE is able to provide you with a wide range of lens options. To learn more, please call ustoday. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Aspheric lenses have a slimmer profile for virtually all prescriptions.



There are two forms of “age-related macular degeneration” (AMD), which affects the portion of the retina (the macula) and blurs the sharp, central vision. The “dry” type tends to progress more slowly than the “wet” type, which accounts for approximately 90 percent of all cases of severe vision loss from the disease. The wet type involves abnormally growing blood vessels that cause the macula to bulge. While there are a number of treatments for wet AMD that will improve sight and prevent central vision loss from worsening, the disease may be averted by maintaining normal weight. Overall, abdominal obesity is the second most important environmental risk factor (after smoking) for progression to late-stage blinding AMD. Only a comprehensive dilated eye exam can detect AMD. To schedule an appointment for an eye exam, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. We will explain every exam and procedure and answer all of our patient's questions. Experience, commitment to technology, and a genuine concern for patient welfare enable all of our doctors and our highly qualified staff to work together to consistently deliver quality, affordable eye care. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Obesity’s link to the wet form of age-related macular degeneration has to do with fat-rich diets, which can cause long-term, low-grade inflammation in the whole body and eventually promote diseases such as wet AMD.



Sunglasses have become an essential part of men’s wardrobes. These signature pieces tell everyone much of what they need to know about a man at first glance. This year, the most popular trend revives the round-framed sunglasses of the 1920s and 1930s, when sunglasses assumed shapes and styles that began to evolve into the fashion statements that they have since become. Today’s retro round frames have a vintage look, combined with just the right amount of eccentricity. Because they only cover the eyes, unlike large aviator glasses, smaller, round-framed sunglasses give onlookers more than a glimpse of the wearer’s facial features. As a result, these sunglasses invite conversation and social engagement with the interesting man wearing them.  SKOWRON EYE CARE is able to provide you with a wide range of sunglass options. If you normally wear glasses to correct your eyesight, you may be happy with a non-prescription pair of clip-ons or wraparound glasses that simply fit over your lenses. If you'd rather not wear that much equipment on your head all at once, you can order a pair of prescription "shades," or you can order glasses that darken when exposed to bright light. For more information, please call today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Wayfarer sunglasses provide men with another retro look that is staging a formidable comeback.



Recently, dark chocolate has been shown to produce several health benefits, which can be traced to its “flavonoid” content. Flavonoids are plant-derived antioxidant compounds that can exert a number of effects, such as reducing inflammation. Now, a new study suggests that eating dark chocolate can also boost vision. When 30 healthy adults with an average age of 26 and no history of eye disease were asked to eat a small bar of dark chocolate containing 316.3 milligrams of flavanols (a class of flavonoids) or a small milk chocolate bar that contained only 40 milligrams of flavanols, visual testing revealed that the dark-chocolate group displayed better “visual contrast sensitivity” and slightly better “visual acuity” than the milk-chocolate group, within two hours. Patients come to SKOWRON EYE CARE because they know they will receive the personal attention and professional care that is our foundation. To schedule an appointment for an eye exam, please call our eye care center. We will explain every exam and procedure and answer all of our patient's questions. A comprehensive eye exam includes a number of tests to examine and evaluate the health of your eyes and the quality of your vision. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. “Visual contrast sensitivity” is the ability to read small and large letters at different contrasts, while “visual acuity” refers to clarity of vision.



It is reported that every 13 minutes a child with a sports-related eye injury visits a U.S. hospital emergency room for treatment. These injuries contribute to making eye injuries the leading cause of blindness in children. While they are more common among males (particularly while playing basketball/softball or shooting an air gun), the incidence of these injuries has been found to peak during adolescent years for both male and female patients. With this in mind, parents, coaches, and athletic supervisors are urged to encourage young athletes to wear protective eyewear from an early age. Eye injuries not only have the potential to rob young athletes of their vision, but they can also adversely affect their quality of life for years. Today, protective sports eyewear is an accepted part of everyday life, much the way bike helmets have become the norm. In fact, many athletic and fitness clubs today do not permit their members to participate without wearing proper eyewear. For more information about sports eyewear, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE today. We've invested in the technology to make exam findings easier and more accurate for everyone from toddlers to seniors. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Ocular injuries, which are a significant cause of illness and disability, can predispose individuals to further injury, depression, and systemic disease.



Not only do birds have sharper vision than humans, but they also have another fascinating advantage. While researching migrating birds’ seemingly sixth-sense ability to find their nesting grounds, scientists uncovered a protein (Cry4) in birds’ eyes that enables them to “see” the earth’s magnetic field as an overlay on their normal field of view. As molten iron in the earth’s outer core escapes, it creates convection currents that generate electrical currents, creating the magnetic field. Birds use the magnetic field to plot their migratory routes as well as sense the difference between magnetic north and true north, a phenomenon known as “declination,” to plot their longitudinal point on earth. Think about that the next time you observe migrating birds. Humans also have strong vision, and if their eyesight is less than desired, prescription lenses and corrective procedures can help. To schedule an appointment for an eye exam, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. A comprehensive eye exam includes a number of tests to examine and evaluate the health of your eyes and the quality of your vision. Experience, commitment to technology, and a genuine concern for patient welfare enable all of our doctors and staff to work together to consistently deliver quality, affordable eye care. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. While normal or “good” vision for a human is 20/20, eagles have visual acuity of an impressive 20/5 or 20/, which allows them to hunt even the tiniest prey from hundreds of feet up in the air.



“Mirror coatings” can be applied to sunglass lenses to make them darker and give the front lens surface a mirror-like finish. Mirror coatings are popular among outdoor enthusiasts for their ability to decrease the amount of light passing through the tinted lens by a further 10% to 60%, making them especially useful for work or play in sand, water, and snow or at higher altitudes. A variation of the mirror coat, known as a “flash coat,” is a half mirror that enables people to see the eyes of the sunglass wearer. Solid mirror coatings have a higher percentage of luminous reflectance than their corresponding flash mirror colors. As a result, a solid mirror shows a higher density of the color. Choosing new glasses can often be a struggle because patients cannot see themselves in the mirror when they take off their own prescription glasses to try on a new frame. We have the newest technology that solves that problem! Stop in anytime to browse our large frame selection, and one of our opticians can help you by taking your photo in several different frames and doing a side by side comparison right on the computer screen. To learn more, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. It is important to handle mirror-coated eyewear with care to keep the coating free from crazes and scratches.



Everyone from NFL fans to parents of children who play contact sports knows that concussions pose a potentially serious problem. While initial symptoms might include dizziness, slurred speech, and amnesia, a sudden jolt or blow to the head can also result in blurred vision and difficulty focusing, possibly causing academic difficulties. According to a study involving 276 children ages 5 to 18 reporting three or more concussion-related symptoms that lasted for 10 days or more, 29% reported academic difficulty and 46% reported vision abnormalities. Traumatic brain injuries can cause difficulties with near focus and the ability to coordinate eye movements. With this in mind, parents of children suspected of having been concussed are encouraged to schedule an eye exam. Vision therapy after a concussion is a series of in-office and at-home activities and exercises designed to improve the visual skills. As is typical with any type of rehabilitation following a brain injury, the outcome can sometimes be difficult to predict. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. The American Academy of Pediatrics’ concussion care guidelines say vision problems are common after concussion and that vision needs to be checked after concussion.



If you have been wearing the same pair of eyeglass frames every day for longer than you can remember (much in the way that some people have not changed their hairstyle for a decade or more), look upon a new pair of frames as a way to enhance or change your appearance. A new pair of glasses has the potential to change the way that people look at you, and even change the way that you look at yourself. Try opting for tortoise shell frames for a slightly more conservative and academic appearance at work, then choose frames with a more casual image for leisure time. Frames are every bit as able to fit the moment as fit the face. A new set of frames is one of the easiest ways to give yourself an image overhaul. Glasses can inspire a new outfit, breathe life into an old one, reflect a different side of your personality, or act as a focal point for your wardrobe. With today’s vast range of styles and colors available, the possibilities really are endless. To learn more, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Fashion eyeglasses provide one of the easiest ways to give yourself an image overhaul.



Even though our irises can range in color from dark to light brown, green, hazel, gray, and blue, there are actually only two different pigments in our eyes, brown and red. The iris, composed of connective tissue and a thin muscle that allows it to open and close in response to light, contains cells (melanocytes) that can make two different types of pigment, brown-black “eumelanin” and red “pheomelanin.” While dark eyes have the most pigment (particularly brown-black eumelanin), light blue eyes have the least amount of pigment; however, there is no blue pigment. Blue eyes occur when the white collagen fibers in the connective tissue in the iris scatter light in a way that makes the iris look blue. Advances in contact lens technology have created great options for cosmetic and prosthetic lenses. Custom contact lenses can be created to camouflage any color variation or irregularity and produce a natural eye color. Cosmetic lenses are also available to transform your eye color. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Eye colors between dark brown and light blue have varying amounts of pigment and areas without any pigment, which leads to the unique colors of green, hazel, and gray.



“Low vision” refers to any distortion of sight that cannot be corrected to normal or even near-normal with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or surgery. Ranging from simply having blurry vision to more serious double vision, the immediate consequences are often the same—difficulty with performing daily activities such as reading newsprint or screen script, watching TV, or crossing the street safely. To counter these problems, the magnifying glass remains the most common low-vision aid. It is also possible to have small magnifying lenses built into prescription lenses as bifocals. In addition, special lenses that work like miniature telescopes can be mounted on glasses to aid far vision. There are also various electronic low-vision aids available to help maximize remaining vision. Make an appointment with your eye doctor if vision troubles prevent you from daily activities like reading, travel, cooking, work, watching television, or school. To schedule an appointment, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE today. Our goal is to help you maintain a lifetime of healthy, clear, comfortable vision by using the latest in technology from in-vogue eyewear and eyeglasses to complex contact lenses to LASIK eye surgery. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. While vision loss can affect anyone at any age, low vision is most common for those over age 65.



Farsighted individuals in their mid-20s may find that their refractive error gets better on its own as the eyes grow and develop. As a result, the problem often does not require correction in individuals under age 25, as their accommodative systems have the ability to compensate for their eyes’ anatomical shortcoming. At the same time, the eye changes that make reading glasses necessary can become apparent sooner in farsighted people. As a result, farsighted people in their 20s experience diminished ability to focus on reading materials. By their late 30s and 40s, farsighted people also start to lose their youthful ability to accommodate. When they begin to have trouble with their distance vision, corrective lenses are in order. For both adults and children alike, eye exams are an important part of one’s general health maintenance and assessment. Your eyes should be checked regularly to ensure that you are able to see as best as possible. Regular eye health exams will also check for signs of eye disease or conditions that can affect not only your vision but your overall health. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Farsightedness (hyperopia), characterized by seeing distant objects clearly while nearby objects may be blurry, is caused by the focusing of rays of light by the eye at a point behind (not on) the retina.



Much of athletes’ performances depend on how well they can see and coordinate those images with motion of their bodies. A golfer’s concentration on a putt depends on focusing ability, while a volleyball player’s reaction time determines whether he or she can turn back a spiked ball. Because more than 80 percent of all input to the muscular system comes from both eyes, vision training can be as important to athletes as strength training. An athlete may be blessed with 20/20 vision, but succeeding in sports involves more than reading an eye chart. Good sports vision also encompasses concentration, focusing ability, depth perception, eye-hand or eye-foot coordination, and peripheral awareness. Visual fitness is an important component of good athletic performance.

Sports vision testing helps athletes determine how well their eyes perform. These tests go beyond standard eye tests that only evaluate the ability to see letters and objects clearly on a standard eye chart. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Using the latest in technology, we provide professional eye care exams, contact lenses, and optical services for the entire family. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. “Sports vision training” is a sub-category of “optometric vision therapy,” which works on enhancing athletes’ vision abilities so that they can take their games to the next level.



Aviator sunglasses were first developed during World War I in response to pilots’ need to protect their eyes from the glaring sun at heights previously unknown to war combatants. At that time, the Army Air Corps turned to Bausch & Lomb to design eyewear that would protect airmen’s eyes. The American maker of optical products designed the now familiar tear-drop shape that has proved to be so popular with pilots because it covers their entire eye socket. By the 1930s, aviator sunglasses also became a hit with sportsmen, who wanted to protect their eyes while hunting and fishing. Today, the iconic design no longer just applies to sunglasses, but to a whole array of prescription and fashion glasses as well. At SKOWRON EYE CARE, we have an extensive selection of eyewear including the latest styles in designer sunglasses and prescription eyeglasses. Our experienced optometry professionals work closely with you to select the proper frames to fit your budget as well as your cosmetic, lifestyle, and vision needs. For more information, please call us today. Our experienced optometry professionals work closely with you to select the proper frames to fit your budget as well as your cosmetic, lifestyle, and vision needs. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Aviator-style frames come with either a double bridge or a triple bridge.



The designation “20/20” is a measure of “visual acuity” (the clarity of vision) in units of feet. If you have 20/20 vision, it means that you can see clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at that distance. However, simply because you have 20/20 vision does not necessarily mean that your vision is perfect. Visual acuity is only one measure of your ability to see well. To make that determination, it is necessary for you to undergo a comprehensive eye exam that assesses other important vision skills such as contrast sensitivity, peripheral awareness, eye coordination, depth perception, focusing ability, and color vision. So, even if you have 20/20 vision, other components of your vision should be assessed. Those who don’t have 20/20 vision have what is referred to in most cases as a “Refractive Error.” The patient may have nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism or other eye conditions that prevent the patient from seeing 20/20. To schedule an appointment, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Using the latest in technology, we provide professional eye care exams, contact lenses, and optical services for the entire family. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. In the United States, you are considered to be legally blind if you have visual acuity of 20/200 or worse in the better of your two eyes with corrective lenses.



If you need glasses for distance viewing and reading, as well as any distance in between, you might want to have a look at “progressive lenses.” These lenses have the advantage of not having a telltale line between prescriptions as do bifocals. If necessary, a third prescription can be introduced in between for middle distance, creating trifocals. Without any line between prescriptive strengths, progressives provide smooth, continuous vision at near, middle, and distant focal ranges, with no unsettling image jumps. As a result, corrected vision provides more natural vision than bifocals or trifocals. While progressive lenses may require a period of adjustment, wearers often find that their utility and cosmetic appeal make an unbeatable combination. While eyeglass lenses are prescribed to correct all kinds of vision problems, prescription lenses have come a long way—offering you the opportunity to truly customize your eyeglasses and make a statement about how you choose to look at the world. At SKOWRON EYE CARE, our experienced optometry professionals work closely with you to select the proper frames to fit your budget as well as your cosmetic, lifestyle, and vision needs. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. “Presbyopia” (the loss of focusing power associated with middle age) is responsible for the need for reading glasses.



It is reported that, in this country, women cry 3.5 times per month and men cry 1.9 times per month. However, not all tears are the same. “Basal” tears, which are secreted by tear ducts, are composed of a protein-rich antibacterial liquid that helps keep the eyes moist with every blink of the eye. By keeping the eyes moist and preventing the mucous membranes from drying out, basal tears help us see more clearly. Aside from water, lipids (fats), and other components, basal tears contain a fluid called “lysozyme,” which has powerful antimicrobial properties. In addition to basal tears, humans shed “reflex” tears that flush out irritants and “emotional” tears that contain stress hormones. Your eyes are one of the most complex organs in your body. A comprehensive eye exam to assess your visual system and eye health involves a number of different of tests. Unlike a simple vision screening, which only assesses your vision, a comprehensive eye exam includes a battery of tests in order to do a complete evaluation of the health of your eyes and your vision. To schedule an appointment, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Using the latest in technology, we provide professional eye care exams, contact lenses, and optical services for the entire family. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision. Your eyes are one of the most complex organs in your body. A comprehensive eye exam to assess your visual system and eye health involves a number of different of tests. Unlike a simple vision screening, which only assesses your vision, a comprehensive eye exam includes a battery of tests in order to do a complete evaluation of the health of your eyes and your vision. To schedule an appointment, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Using the latest in technology, we provide professional eye care exams, contact lenses, and optical services for the entire family. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. By activating the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), crying emotional tears exerts a direct, soothing effect that helps people relax.



For those wondering what the year ahead holds for eyeglass fashions and trends, there is every indication that current preference for colored lenses will continue. Purple, yellow, green, and coral lenses remain particularly popular, and there is a clear disposition to outline these lenses in white plastic or metallic frames that provide a degree of color contrast. It should also be noted that what was popular during the 1980s is ready for a comeback. This means thick frames in bold colors in every imaginable shape, with retro cat-eye frames topping the list that sport slightly rounder bottoms and pointier wings. Also set to make a big hit are oversized frames, whether round, square, oval, geometric, or butterfly-shaped. Glasses say so much about your personality and personal style. At SKOWRON EYE CARE, we are happy to work with you in selecting frames that complement your features. Our experienced optometry professionals work closely with you to select the proper frames to fit your budget as well as your cosmetic, lifestyle, and vision needs. Our experienced frame stylists will make sure you get the look you desire, from traditional to contemporary to just plain fun! Our computerized program will help you decide which frame suits you best. It allows you to compare four different frames on your face at once. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. To counter the bold look of thick, richly colored frames, there is a movement toward minimalist vintage metal frames.

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